
Create, Be Curious, Learn, have Fun and GLOW

A time to give Thanks

on October 7, 2016

We spent a lot of our day today talking about what we are Thankful for. We read some books. Thank You World by Alice B. McGinty and The Thank You Book by Todd Parr. We thought and thought about all of the many things in our lives that we have to be Thankful for. Here is a small snapshot:

I am Thankful for the Earth because it is a place where everyone can live. (Julia)

I am Thankful for shoes because you wear them to keep your feet safe. (Keito)

I Thankful for my hockey stick because it makes me feel happy when I play with it. (Finnley)

I am Thankful for all the sports I play because it keeps me healthy and active and is fun to do. (Mira)

I am Thankful for water because I like to drink some. (Brody)

I am Thankful for the holidays because you spend time with your family. (Proverbs)

I am Thankful for our books because I like to read. (Quintin)

I am Thankful for my mom because she gave birth to me. (Janna)

I am Thankful for my brother because he plays with me.(Luca)

I am Thankful for my friends because they make smile. (Levi)

I am Thankful our classroom because we learn. (Anton)

I am Thankful for my mom because she helps give me a good nights sleep. (Charlotte)

I am Thankful for drawing because it keeps me creative. (Kennedy)

I am Thankful for my house because it keeps me from being too cold and too hot. (Aude)

I am Thankful for my bunny because he always helps me sleep. (Shayle)

I am Thankful for Sydney because I like to play with her. (Georgia)

I am Thankful for my doll because I like to play with her. (Maevyn)

I am Thankful for my toys because they are fun to play with. (Zoe)

I am Thankful for Mrs. Thomas because she’s wonderful, lovely and she’s the greatest teacher ever and she loves her children. (Aude, Anton, Finnley, Keito, Luca)



Not just at this time of year, but all year long, we like to think about what we are thankful for. It is a difficult concept for 6 and 7 year olds to understand  fully. It is at times, difficult for adults to understand or communicate. It can be simple or it can be more complex.

What are we thankful for?

Room 129 is asking you, our loyal followers, to comment on this blog post and answer the question What are you Thankful for? We can’t wait to hear what you share with us.


Happy Thanksgiving!



4 Responses to “A time to give Thanks”

  1. Kristin Dulay says:

    Sometimes we get caught up and we forget to be thankful for even the simple day to day things in our lives that many in the world do not have. I love all your answers as they remind us to be thankful for those “simple” things and not take them for granted. Happy Thanksgiving Rm 129!

  2. Zoe's Family says:

    I absolutely love this!
    I am thankful to still have my dad with us after a long battle.
    Happy Thanksgivng to Mrs.Thomas, the children and their families of room 129!

  3. Mrs Skinner says:

    What amazing responses. Room 129 you are all so thoughtful. This makes us all look at our own lives. Happy thanksgiving🦃

  4. Janice cabug says:

    I am thankful to all of you who are very kind to my daughter, Janna. She loves to go to school because of her friends and a lot of things she learns everyday.

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