
Create, Be Curious, Learn, have Fun and GLOW


on June 2, 2016



Dandelions bloom like little suns.

But the flowers don’t last long –

they fold up like furled umbrella opens

into a puff of down:

a hundred fluffy parachutes, each carrying a small brown seed.

Just one blow and you set them flying.

~Nicola Davies

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ย We went outside today withย no planย  of course we had a plan! We finished reading Dandelions the poem by Nicola Davies and we were inspired to go and play with the dandelions. I asked the students to think about the poem, and asked them what it reminded them of. Gus said the life cycle of a dandelion, which I thought was pretty brilliant.

So outside we went, it is FUN playing in those dandelions… so FUN!

We created dandelion life cycles, we created art with dandelions, we ran through and played in fields of dandelions. The students worked all together, even though I told them they could break off into groups. It’s amazing how being outside really enhances team work and collaborations. They were yelling at each other, calling for each other to get things, excited to share what they were making and thrilled when others added to it!

Kevin found a sound stick! Only one sound stick though, so no stick band in the future I guess ๐Ÿ™‚ .


Check out this life cycle of a dandelion:


Pretty accurate, right?!

Sometimes it’s really fun to just get inspired and go outside and discover. No plans often times = the best learning opportunities.

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p.s. I really did have a plan all along ๐Ÿ™‚

**Giuseppe was so inspired he found this huge dandelion and wanted to add it to our blog post! Thanks Giuseppe!!


9 Responses to “Dandelions”

  1. Ms. B says:

    How wonderful that room 122 had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather and become botanists on such a sunny day! Have you ever tried putting cut dandelion stems in water?

    Can’t wait to see all of your smiley faces soon!

    • ohthisclassroomglows says:

      Room 122 says no they have not. Have you?? We will try it ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Ms. B. They said FINALLY!!!

  2. Jessica (Jory's Mom) says:

    Sounds like a fun adventure. It’s great to hear that everyone discovered so well together!

  3. Vycki Atallah says:

    Gah! Cuteness overload ๐Ÿ˜Š What a perfect day to explore outdoors!

  4. Linda Katz says:

    Loved the beautiful colours that were outdoors and the fluff of the dandelions. Your class rocks!
    Joey’s Baba

  5. Karen Ohlson says:

    It’s great to see how your classroom used the dandelions as a sensory loose part. You touched, felt, listened, looked closely at and smelled the dandelions. I thought the life cycle picture really showed all of the stages. Great work!

  6. Frank Chiappetta says:

    What a fun adventure!!!

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